Tuesday, May 3, 2011

With My Boots On

When I was younger, and taking horseback riding lessons, I had a pair of white cowboy boots that I loved. I wore them tucked into my jeans. That way you could see them better. Then I grew out of them, switched to riding boots (they look like hiking boots but with a larger heel so you don't slide out of the stirrup) and boots became something with a 2-4 inch heel, usually pretty thin. I had brown ones and black ones and tan ones and, horror of horrors, a pair of white pleather, thigh high boots. These were salvaged from a particularly interesting residence hall move out, tags still on, but they've been faithful costume boots for years. I thought I had the boots thing down.

Then I moved here. And you know what? It turns out I don't have boots. I have heeled boots. Or dress boots. Or flat boots. What I call cowboy boots are actually just "boots." And, of course, I bought a pair from the well known Cavender's. I mean, they should be authentic, right?

My white cowboys boots of days gone were pretty flashy. They had some rhinestones and stuff. But they are nothing compared to some of the gems you can see here in Texas.

And those are just the ladies' boots. The men's are also craziness. Take a second an imagine a stylish male friend in some of these:

Cute, huh?

And at about $200 (and sometimes upwards of $800), these fashion (mis)steps are quite an investment. So the next time you pull on boots, think of these. And decide if your boots are making enough of a statement.

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