Friday, April 29, 2011

It's all relative, I guess.

This morning was a "chilly" morning here - only 65 degrees. Brrr! Plus, it's only supposed to get up into the 80's today, as opposed to the 90's for the previous few days. It's basically a cold front. I can still withstand intense humidity (60%? Puh-leese. My hair doesn't even react.) but I know I'm acclimating to the temperatures here, particularly the summer heat. Not that I still don't get hot and sweaty, mind you. There's really no way to avoid that if you plan to leave the house anytime between, say, April and October. But I can tolerate the heat. In fact, I like it.

Of course, I've never been much for cold. I get that, along with low blood pressure, from my mother. I dislike being cold. I love wearing a cute cardigan but sweaters and jackets make me feel bulky and constrained and uncomfortable. I get angry wearing them. Much like with collared shirts and my hair falls down into the collar and gets all weird feeling. That annoys me too. People say "I like being cold. You can always add more layers." False. There comes a point where you cannot add more layers because you cannot move. Then you look like this:

We all remember this. We made fun of this. And you're telling me you like winter better because you can dress like this. I don't think so buddy.

However, in summer you just sweat. You just have to embrace it. Be ready for it. You're going to need a hankie, blotting sheets, deodorant and maybe an extra shirt. But you get tan so really, it's worth it.

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