Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Landscaping, Part Deux

I got to go home for a brief time last week. And by brief I mean I was in my hometown of York, SC approximately 34 hours, even though I was on "vacation" from Wednesday-Sunday. The rest of the time I was driving back and forth between Atlanta and Athens, helping my sister move stuff, seeing her graduate and assorted other things that kept me from relaxing on the couch at home. According to Google Maps, I traveled about 775 miles and spent about 12 hours in a vehicle. Obvii, I spent A LOT of time on the road, enabling me to take in the gorgeous green scenery on the South Carolina and Georgia roadways (until you get close to Atlanta and then you just see cars, buildings and more roadways). And man alive, were they green. Unlike in my part of Texas, SC and GA have been getting plenty of rain. However, College Station did recieve its first measurable rainfall since January while I was gone. Whoop!

My area of the south has a lot of trees and that certainly helps the green-ness of the landscape but do you know what else does? Kudzu. For those of you who don't know, kudzu is a crazy vine that was originally introduced from Japan a long time ago to shade Southern porches. Yes. It's THAT important. It was also used to stop soil erosion. It worked. Of course, it also spread everywhere else and has more lives than a cat, but it's green. And kind of pretty. I realized I missed it during my long drive a last weekend to that wedding. It just looks so bare on the side of the road.

Other things that look different on the east side of the country? Hills. They have them there. Lots of them. I moved furniture and boxes and stuff up and down those hills. Where I spent the weekend, they're pretty mild hills but there are some mountains around there. I would not want to move up, down, over or around a mountain. Hills are annoying. There aren't that many that I've seen here. I hear tell there are some though. I'll have to continue my exploration of Texas in order to confirm this. I suppose I could Google it, though, but where's the fun in that?

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