Monday, May 23, 2011

To Rain or Not To Rain...

I can never tell when it's going to rain here. Back on the East Coast, I could. It's really pretty standard. It gets cloudy, a little windy, a little (or a lot) cooler and it rains. There's a clear relationship between the previous weather and the weather in a few hours. Now, sometimes we'll have the whole raining-while-sunny thing or some heat lightening that can throw people off, but once you realize see it a few times, you can find that pattern too.

Here, not so much.

It rained this weekend for about an hour. This is after two days of cloudy, windy weather. After an hour of lightening and thunder. Crazy lightening too. And really long, loud thunder. It sounded like we were being bombed. I, however, still went to see Something Borrowed and it was totally worth it. I'm glad it's been a while since I read the book because I hear it's pretty different. But I digress. It rained while we were in the theater. It was still lightening and thundering (is that a word? Whatevs. I'm going with it.) when we got out, but just barely misting. It continued to be alternately very bright, like aliens were taking pictures of us, and very loud, like people were firing cannons (and this is not an unfamiliar sound for me, surprisingly enough). It made sleeping difficult, particularly since there was no sound of rain on the roof to dampen the thunderous noises. It was weird.

Despite the small amount of rain, it's still pretty humid, around 60% humidity. It may get worse as the summer progresses but the humidity of the other places I've lived (Charleston, SC anyone? Parts of it are below sea level. It gets really humid there. And then it smells like low tide. Ew.), tops it. The heat though, is different. When I was in Athens, GA for my sister's second graduation (Sarah, M. P. A.), when the sun went down, I felt downright chilly. Fortunately, I'm rarely without a cardigan and then all was right with the world. My mom was not so lucky and had to cover up with a Justice League snuggie.

Or maybe she was way more lucky. It's up to interpretation, I suppose.

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