Monday, April 18, 2011

Best. Boyfriend. Ever.

Friday was Fightin' Texas Aggie Ring Day and around here, that is BIG DEAL. You can read all about Aggie Rings here. It's is a super fun tradition (minus the incredibly unclassy student lead initiative that is ring dunk, gross) and I love helping out. This time, I was scheduled to hand out rings from 6-8 p.m. Which means I was on campus 'til around 8:30 p.m. And that I was tired, and my feet, knees, back and ankles hurt and I was STARVING. But it was worth it because I do love ring day. My wonderful boyfriend decided to cook dinner for us though, so I wouldn't have to eat fast food/fall asleep in my cereal. I called him on my way back from campus and he was hard at work. Yay! He also informed me that my dog had thrown up on one of my throw pillows. Ew. I told him to chunk the pillow and I'd clean the couch when I got there, already dreading it. Don't worry about it, he says, I already cleaned the couch. Wow. Thanks, I said, a lot. Then he goes on to say that my dog smells kind of bad (ok, that's not exactly what he said, but the point is the same). "I know," I said, "I'm going to wash her tomorrow." "Oh, I already gave her a bath. I couldn't stand the smell anymore." "Well, thanks for doing that. I really appreciate it." "No problem. And I Febreezed the blankets too and hung them up to air out." At this rate, I won't have any chores to do tomorrow. My couch is clean, blankets fresh, dog washhed. What else could he have done? He made ribs. Delicious, probably bad for you, on the grill, ribs. And cowboy potatoes. You know, potatoes with onions and cheese and bacon and cheese. And some butter and a little more cheese. It was delicious. It was so good I managed to stay away through the whole meal. As if that wasn't good enough, Saturday he mowed (or really, used a weed-eater on, because my yard is so tiny) my yard, raked the yard so that less grass would get into my house, reorganized all the junk I have on the back porch, and helped me give my dog a pretty horrific haircut. Sunday he helped me sweep, mop, and do laundry. And last night, before he went home, he told me he had a great weekend and was so glad we got to spend so much time together. Swoon.

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