Thursday, February 24, 2011


"Where do you see yourself next year? Or in the next three to five years?"

These are the questions my supervisor asked me yesterday. I didn't have to answer right then but now I do have to think about it. And that stinks. I'm a planner but I'm not really a strategizer (Is that a word? Whatevs. I'm using it). I run scenarios through my head almost constantly but these are like short movie clips, not long term plans. So, yes, I know what color I want my bridesmaid dresses to be. What I'm going to plant in my yard when I have my first house. How I want my living room set up. How I'll tell my (potentially) future children that I love them. These are simple things. Small things. A five year plan is not.

One of my student workers has been teasing me about being on the five year plan in regards to the BF. As it turns out, despite my protestations that I'm not, I am. Because now when I'm thinking long(ish) term, I have to (get to) think of him too. Where is he going to fit in all this? If I leave for my career, what would that do to his? Would he come with me? Does he want to? And now I have to ask him these things just so I can answer two, seemingly simple, questions my supervisor asked me.

Anyone who says their personal life and their work life are separate is either lying to you or lying to themselves.

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