Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This Weather is Gross

I woke up about 4:30 a.m. today. This is not a pleasant time for me to wake up. I had the weird moment of something's-not-quite-right-but-I-don't-know-what-it-is. Did my alarm go off? No. Was there an intruder? No. Did the dog step on me? No. Wait, why's it so dark? Oh right. The power's off. At first, I was excited because a) I love candles and b) You can't do morning P90X with no power. But then I couldn't fall back asleep. I had another hour and a half of quality sleep time I couldn't take advantage of. It was a sad day. So, I started creating my back up plan for getting ready. Flashlights and candles in the bathroom for a dark shower. Makeup by candlelight. Breakfast from Starbucks. Drying my hair at work. Then I remembered I was an adult and I should probably call the utility company and report my outage so I could get power back at some point. Despite my epic level of preparation for things that will probably never happen, I did not have the number of my utility company or working internet on my laptop or phone. Adult move, thwarted. So, I did what any resourceful daughter does: I called home. I'm sure my mom was a little concerned about getting a phone call from me at 6:11 a.m. EST but she found the number for me (which I wrote down in the dark). I called it in a lo and behold, I had power back in a little less than an hour.

Of course, that meant I didn't really have an excuse to go by Starbucks so that stunk.

Now, it's windy. What started as a rainy, 60 degree morning has morphed into a miserable, cloudy, 38 degree day with 25-30 mph winds and a wind chill of 26. It's only supposed to get worse, too. At about 6 a.m. tomorrow morning, right when I'm supposed to be walking my dog, it'll be about 20 degrees, 20-25 mph winds and a wind chill of 4 degrees. Four! I have more fingers on one hand than that! When I'm walking across campus for our Division meeting, it will have warmed up to about 7 degrees. This is NOT the Texas weather I expected. I want my 110 degrees and sunny back. Or, failing that, I want a snow or ice day. Not just miserable wind with no reason not to go to work expect for the fact that my sweatpants are awesome. I want something tangible to go with my cold weather.

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