Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bodies of Water

I was driving (ok, riding/sleeping) through parts of Texas this holiday weekend and I noticed something: signs point out creeks and rivers. Now, this is clearly not uncommon. Those signs are every where. Then why am I pointing it out?

Because there's no water in them.

I see a sign for the Cow Shack Creek, I eagerly look over and see... nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. There's a rut in the field with some rocks in it that's currently dry as a bone. It does look as though, conceivably, water could flow through there. But it also looks as though it hasn't for quite some time. "Huh," I think. "I wonder why..." But obviously I don't ask to stop and inspect this lack of water because, let's be honest, it's a) hot as heck and b) a really long drive that I don't want to add any more delays to. I resolve to inspect the other creeks (and not just their funny names). 

I can't remember all the names, although lots of them include the word "branch," making me think it's part of another flowing body of water that might actually be flowing, but by and large, they were dry. Now, Texas is currently experiencing a drought so that will account for some of it but really, that's an awful lot of signs for what is essentially a rocky ditch in a field.

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