Friday, June 3, 2011

Sno Cone Summer

When I was younger, we would get sno cones (usually grape, as that's my favorite flavor) at ball parks and, well, basically only ball parks. It was crushed ice in a little paper cone (you know, the kind that are really hard to hold on to because it's, well, cone shaped) with flavor stuff pouring on top. Sometimes you could get two flavors, one on each side. It wasn't really that big of a deal, just something cold to munch on while you were sweating outside. It is a completely different story here.

Last weekend, the BF and I drove west to visit his parents. During the drive, we go through lots of tiny towns (some of my favorites being Mound, TX and Flat, TX because they're right next to each other and I think that's funny). The populations are usually small numbers like 5, 684 (Cameron), 2, 588 (Early), 861 (Flat), and 360 (Blackwell). It doesn't matter how small the town is, there is almost always a sno cone stand. There are several (like 5) in my area alone. And they will have crazy long lines. People will sweat out in the heat for 30 minutes, waiting on a sno cone (i.e. a cup of ice with flavor) to cool off when realistically they could have just gone inside to the AC. But no. They have to have a sno cone.

I haven't had one yet. I'm not sure if it'll be the sno cone style I'm used to (crushed ice) or the shaved ice style. I hear they're delicious though and come in tons of flavors. Plus, as with many things in Texas, they're bigger. They come in Styrofoam cups. The big kind too, not the tiny baby coffee cup ones. And you eat with with a spoon instead of shoving your face into a pile of sugary ice and hoping for the best. I think I'll try one soon.

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