For the past few weekends, I've been traveling to various Texan locations: Shiner, Blackwell, Denton. In the next month, I'll hit Houston (again) and Flower Mound, TX. And you know what I've been noticing? Texas has some crazy road signs. They really do.
For instance, as I'm driving to Shiner, we go through some town somewhere that has some hills. In order to warn the hill-illiterate Texans driving through the town, they had a handy dandy sign they posted on the side of the road in the typical warning-sign-yellow and black. And this truck was going almost straight up the hill. It was comical. I was laughing so hard tears came to my eyes. It would have been dangerous if the hill has actually been that steep but it wasn't! It was just a hill, same as any other hill. The sign kind of looked like this:
Except going up. Is it even possible to drive up a road with that steep of a grade? I doubt it. Regardless, I didn't have to. But I did laugh about it.
This weekend, on the drive between College Station and Denton, I saw at least three awesome road signs. First: Sadberry Lane. Seriously? SADberry? Who wants to live there? I felt bad for the road with it's depressing name!
Of course, I perked right up when I saw the cross street a ways down the road: Pneumatic Tool Rd. Really? Why this name? Was some woman trying to get a point across to some man? Or is there a tool shop down there? I couldn't tell.
Something else I was confused about: Hog Island Cemetery. An island? Doubt it. Hogs? Probably. But who is this cemetery for? People or hogs? I had the same question about the Buffalo Cemetery. Is it for buffalo or the citizens of Buffalo, the town? I need more information.
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