Last night, I had a very vivid dream that I stayed up most of the night and continuously posted depressing, self loathing and grammatically incorrect Facebook status updates. When I say vivid, I mean that these updates included things like "I just want an relationship." And "This day has been to sad to talk about." I also mixed up their and they're, your and you're. Which is a huge pet peeve of mine. Needless to say, dream me was kind of a loser. She just kept crying and updating, about every 7 minutes. I was actually nervous when I woke up this morning because I was afraid that I had actually done this in my sleep. I checked my phone, no lame updates from the Blackberry. Actual laptop: no lame updates. Whew. It was a relief to find that dream me had not sent reality me way over the line.
Now, normally, dream me is way more badass. Typically, I'm fighting ninjas and stuff. Seriously. I once had a dream that I had to save a pregnant woman from a castle where hundreds of ninjas were guarding her. I won, of course. I will sometimes fight monsters, too. Or sing really amazing karaoke. But never before has dream me been so incredibly depressing and lacking in self esteem. I can only hope that this is not going to become the norm or I'll have to work on getting insomnia.